Updated Podcast List
As many of you know not only do I produce a podcast but I also am an avid podcast listener! Here is an updated list of what is in my podcast player.
One thing that I always setup mid January is my file structure for the next year. This year I made a big change. I have two large Cloud accounts for file storage. I have a 1TB One Drive Account and a 2TB Google Drive Account. I have decided to streamline how I store files. All…
I had an appointment with Dr. Thompson – my wound care doctor yesterday. It was an excellent appointment. The wound on the back of my neck is starting to scab over. This is good news. Dr. Thompson said I am probably 3 weeks out from being healed. This is the best news this week. She…
Some random thoughts for a Wednesday:
Someone asked me this week as I was writing more on my personal website and not my agency blog. The reason is very simple – personal branding. The reality is people work with you for 2 reasons: People always choose to work with those they like. So writing more on my personal site helps my…