
Weekend Thoughts

I have been doing lots of business and personal thinking lately. I feel like some days I am just spinning my wheels. Lots on my plate and trying to sort it out. Weekend Plans: It looks like I have a busy weekend. I even have some time for fun!

Catching Up

Catch Up Time

It has been a while since I have written a blog post here. I should write one and share some thoughts that I am having. Lately, I have found I have been buried both with personal issues and business things to do. I have had to take some steps back and reorganize which is a…

Diabetes Care
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August Health Update

I have not posted a health update in a while. I thought I should… Today, the wound is about 80% healed which is good news. It has shrunk dramatically. The hard part is wounds for diabetics are slow to heal. The last 20% can take the longest. The nurses at the community care centre have…

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Technology Challenges

In the last week, I have had way too many technology challenges. Some have been business related and some have impacted me personally. It is so much fun and exhausting. The Challenges: The first challenge was my email service FastMail decided to do an upgrade one night. They did give their customers lots of notice….