This Week In WordPress #284 January 29th 2024
I was back on This Week in WordPress last month. I enjoyed doing the show again:)
This past week I was on This Week in WordPress .
As many of you know, I share business and personal posts on this site. I have added blog searches for personal and business to the menu to make it easier for readers to find the types of posts. I hope this helps make your reading experience better!
As many of you know, I am big on productivity. Productivity helps make my life a better place. Over the years I have tried different ways of managing my To-Do List. The following describes how I manage it and what works well for me. The first thing I do is go over my To-Do list…
Over the last month, I shut down 2 legacy email accounts. These accounts were: These were being attacked by a scammer trying to obtain BitCoin. The premise of the scam is to say the scammer has obtained access to your device and taken videos of you doing things you should not be doing. If you…
Many small business owners think they have to work 7 days a week for 10 hours a day. This is not a good idea. I learned the hard way. Before I ran my own business, I worked in health care at one of Toronto’s largest hospitals. I worked in IT and my average work week…
Those of you that know me realize I am an avid podcaster. So I have decided to start a new podcast that is not WordPress or marketing related. It is called the Canadian Rant. Basically the podcast will cover anything and everything in quick short episodes. This journey should be fun,