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Changes To This Site
As many of you know, I share business and personal posts on this site. I have added blog searches for personal and business to the menu to make it easier for readers to find the types of posts. I hope this helps make your reading experience better!

Episode 3: The GOAT of Alltime in F1
Hey Everybody Rob in five here. Today, I wanted to talk about Something that happened on the weekend. So I thought we jump in and not do our usual. Uh, Friday, Saturday, Robin five. But I’d throw an extra one in and that has to do with Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes. For those who don’t…

Looking After Your Mental Health
One of the things I have always been big on is taking care of my mental health. I have worked hard on this for the last number of years. It is a hard process. It’s funny when you look at it – I no longer tolerate what I would have in my 20s. That is…

It Has Been Crazy
As the summer is coming to an end it has been crazy around here., Part of it is life and part is my own doing! On the business side, I decided to switch my Podcast hosting back to Anchor from Castos. The reality is I wanted to simplify and was not using any of the…