This is Cute
I saw this at Walmart and I am a big fan of M&Ms. This is really cute
A good friend sent me this scam from BMO. The giveaway on this one is the email address that it was sent from – it is not BMO. Always call your bank before you click on links.
So the great new is the blood sugar is in check. Actually it is really great. The reading from my Libra 2 this morning. This numbers are amazing and well above the average. In other news it has been a bad mental health month. Lots going on: I am taking care of myself. Somethings I…
Walking in Niagara Falls
While in Niagara Falls Tiz and I ran into my friends Paul Tobey and Nancy Houle. We visited with them and Paul played some jazz on the piano for us!
Tiz and I spent some time on the Oakville Water Front recently. Here are some photos from a great day. .
I had an appointment with Dr. Thompson – my wound care doctor yesterday. It was an excellent appointment. The wound on the back of my neck is starting to scab over. This is good news. Dr. Thompson said I am probably 3 weeks out from being healed. This is the best news this week. She…