Latest BMO Scam
A good friend sent me this scam from BMO. The giveaway on this one is the email address that it was sent from – it is not BMO.
Always call your bank before you click on links.
I have been doing lots of business and personal thinking lately. I feel like some days I am just spinning my wheels. Lots on my plate and trying to sort it out. Weekend Plans: It looks like I have a busy weekend. I even have some time for fun!
I love this picture of Tiz.
In 1986 as a student at Centennial College in Toronto, I took a Programmer/Analyst program. I had an instructor by the name of Bill Warren. Students thought some of his ideas were so outrageous that they called him Billy Bob. I thought Bill was a visionary and that is even confirmed today. Let me explain……
So the great new is the blood sugar is in check. Actually it is really great. The reading from my Libra 2 this morning. This numbers are amazing and well above the average. In other news it has been a bad mental health month. Lots going on: I am taking care of myself. Somethings I…
I thought today I would share some of the base productivity tools that I use in my business. Here they are: I hope this list helps!