If I Do Not Provide Value Why Work With Me?

This is a bit of a rant. Yesterday was a long day dealing with a problem client. This client had been avoiding any meetings since September. I know why – we had billing to discuss.

This should have been a red flag. I let him reschedule and he would miss meetings or show up late. When I look back at it , I think this was deliberate.

Sometimes I am too nice. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. It is my nature and I know that.

This client had asked me to go over a multiple page price list from his supplier and check all the pricing in his WooCommerce store. Also add any new products to the store. I had to go to the naufacturer website and pull all the pictures as he did not provide them.

The price list did not indicate which prices had changed to I had to check one.

This turned into an over 40 hours drive. I capped it at 40 hours and then discounted it by 40% to try and help.

If you go to garage ask for a service and then a discount after they will never do that.

He now claims he will not pay. Claiming money issues. So my question is why did you ask for the work to be done in the first place.

He also ended our relationship which would have happened anyway.

The following are some excerts from an email exchange and my commments around them.

And If my web site is closed so be it

I would have brought the website down for non payment as per contract. I have already done that.

Look back at your billing’s to me and  you can understand the value to me is not there!

The problem with is comment is I did what he asked. Clients need to realize the website is only part of the marketing solution. I made all kinds of suggestions including marketing suggestions and he did not want to do any of these. Including:

  • Email Marketing.
  • Paid Ads.
  • Paying for SEO changes.
  • Making yourself look like an expert online.
  • Trade shows

And lots more.

His comment I do not want to be a marketing expert and I do not see value in paying for any of this. You can no longer build a website, make a few Facebook posts and expect to make money from that. It does not work that way.

Marketing is a long game – a marathon. It is not a sprint.

And my biggest question if you did not see value in what I was doing for you – why did you keep asking me to do things. You expect I was going to do it for free. Business is not like that.

The good news this client is a cancer which is now out of my life. This is better for my mental health annd frees up some time for people who want to run a real business.

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