
Tech Challenges

I have more than fun in the technology department lately. About a month ago I started having issues with my Windows 11 laptop. So I had a brainchild of any idea. Let’s switch to Linux Mint. This was not a good idea. I had many issues with my network connection being dropped when I was…

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Technology Challenges

In the last week, I have had way too many technology challenges. Some have been business related and some have impacted me personally. It is so much fun and exhausting. The Challenges: The first challenge was my email service FastMail decided to do an upgrade one night. They did give their customers lots of notice….

Artifical Intelligence

Thoughts on AI

AI – Artificial Intelligence has been all the rage in marketing and web design communities for the last 18 months. There have been many people who have embraced AI as a tool and many people who feel AI is problematic. Let us address the first big question – jobs. In the long run, AI will…