Artifical Intelligence

Thoughts on AI

AI – Artificial Intelligence has been all the rage in marketing and web design communities for the last 18 months. There have been many people who have embraced AI as a tool and many people who feel AI is problematic. Let us address the first big question – jobs. In the long run, AI will…

Social Media

Facebook The Devil

So I made a change this past week. My love/ hate relationship with Facebook has hit the hate stage once again. Years ago I had my own personal site as well as my business site. I never posted photos on Facebook. Then Facebook became where I posted stuff. How things changed. The problem is Facebook…

My Podcast Journey

My Podcast Journey

I just published Podcast 385. That’s right 385 Episodes! Amazing when you think about it. It has been a journey:) A fun one and one that I have enjoyed every step of the way. When I started Podcasting, I decided to start 2 at the same time. This was a very bad idea. I realized…

Latest Scam
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Latest Scam

Folks, please be careful when dealing with text messages. There are a lot of scams running around. This scam that looks like Rogers is well-crafted. But it is a fake. Look at the URL at the bottom. This is the giveaway, Take a look and educate yourself.