Cloud Storage

Thoughts on Cloud Storage

Many people in the entrepreneur/online space go all in with Google Workspaces for email, cloud store and more. Late last year I looked at offerings and decided a hybrid approach was the best for my agency. I do not use Google Workspaces anymore. I moved my email to Australian-based Fastmail. They have amazing features including…


One Thing You Should Do When You Change Who Maintains Your Website

Businesses evolve. We all change providers and your digital world is not any different. Sometimes you just outgrow a provider, are not happy with a provider or even need a new skill set. So what do you do, you make a change. You change who has access to your website. You change the administrator to…

Communication in Business

Communication in Business

One of my biggest issues in today’s business world is communication. People just do not seem to communicate very well. The lack of communication is not helping business relationships. It is hurting them in a big way. The sad part is we have more avenues today than ever before. To name a few: and more….

Ethics in Business

Ethics in The Web Business

I have been having fun. Last week I had to deal with an IT company that registered my new client’s domain for them. I have previously discussed why clients should always register their domain – so this does not happen. Today I want to discuss ethics. You should not be hanging on a client’s digital…

Artifical Intelligence

Thoughts on AI

AI – Artificial Intelligence has been all the rage in marketing and web design communities for the last 18 months. There have been many people who have embraced AI as a tool and many people who feel AI is problematic. Let us address the first big question – jobs. In the long run, AI will…