CN Tower Pictures
Last week I was downtown for a Doctor’s Appointment . Below are some pictures I took of the CN Tower.
I thought I would share a bit of a health update. I saw my endocrinologist this week to do a diabetes check-in. I should start by saying the wound is still playing havoc with the sugar levels. This has been so much fun. My sugar levels are not dropping enough overnight. As a result, I…
As many of you know not only do I produce a podcast but I also am an avid podcast listener! Here is an updated list of what is in my podcast player.
I am in the process of making changes to the Canadian Rant Podcast. A couple of exciting changes. I am moving it to StreamYard to do the recording. By next week I will also have a new YouTube channel for the podcast. I will also be adding the podcast to all major podcast platforms. Starting…
I have been doing lots of business and personal thinking lately. I feel like some days I am just spinning my wheels. Lots on my plate and trying to sort it out. Weekend Plans: It looks like I have a busy weekend. I even have some time for fun!
Show Highlights Rob Cairns out the GOVT of Canada Online News Act. Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here. I’m the founder, CEO and chief creator of amazing ideas at Stunning Digital Marketing and today’s quick Canadian rant. I wanna talk about Bill C18 in Canada, the online news bill, and my latest bone to…
The good news is the wound area is doing well. It turns out that after an ultrasound it is just scar tissue. In terms of meds – I am having a terrible time with Ozempic. It has upset my tummy so bad it’s not funny. 9 bad days this month – I have told my…