Tiz and Rob and TSO Twilight Symphony Event
A picture of Tiz and I at The TSO Twilight Sympony Event.

Show Highlights Rob Cairns talks about the rise and fall of the Toronto Blue Jays. Show Notes Hey everybody, I’m Rob Cairns. I’m the founder, CEO and chief creator of amazing ideas. It’s stunning digital marketing in today’s Canadian rent. I wanna address for rise and fall of the Toronto Bouches. So the Blue Jays…
Walking in Niagara Falls
While in Niagara Falls Tiz and I ran into my friends Paul Tobey and Nancy Houle. We visited with them and Paul played some jazz on the piano for us!
I have been doing lots of business and personal thinking lately. I feel like some days I am just spinning my wheels. Lots on my plate and trying to sort it out. Weekend Plans: It looks like I have a busy weekend. I even have some time for fun!
Earlier in the month I talked about that I have lots going on. I was smart, breathed and now have a better sense of how to handle some things. Some key takeaways when I look at the entire mess: Doing these helps on dealing with everything I have on my plate.