
Random Thoughts

I am sitting here Sunday night just thinking and I thought I would share a pile of thoughts with you.

Some random thoughts:

  • It has been a hard few months physically and mentally. I am drained.
  • I am going to be playing with Google’s AI product Gemini. Let’s see how this experiment goes,
  • I have been working on a couple of Woo projects and one is almost done.
  • I have been thinking a lot about my business lately. More thoughts came out of a great podcast I recorded with Spencer Foreman which comes out on Friday.
  • Thinking about offering a new payment plan for my Security Care Plans. More on this at the end of the week.
  • Canada plays the biggest soccer game they have ever been in on Tuesday at the Copa Semi-Finals.
  • A win for the ages today as Lewis Hamilton wins his 9th British Grandprix.
  • Been battling an Asthama flair. So much fun.
  • Our internet issues finally stabilized.
  • I am busy backing up all my podcasts to the cloud. Yes, I practice what I preach.
  • Working on some product ideas for the future.

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