Masters Insurance Christmas Party
Tiz received her 35-year award at the party.
I am a huge podcast consumer. I have changed the podcasts on my phone again. I have fewer tech podcasts and added more interesting ones to my playlist.
Some assorted downtown Toronto pictures.
Lately there is lots going on. It seems I am unsure of where to start. I took part of the day today to look at it and reset. It is the only way. I am taking this weekend to relax and go away. I need the break in a big way. Part of it includes…
For Christmas Tiz took me to the Ice-Wine festival. What an amazing Experience!
Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here with Robin in 5. Everybody’s having an amazing week. Oh today I want to touch on a little bit of a problem in Canada and that’s called the Canada, Post strike. For those who have been living under Rock in Canada. We’ve had no bail delivery for basically the last…
What does someone who is already busy do – start a second podcast of course! I am starting a podcast called “Rob in 5”. This podcast is a little different to The SDM Show. It will be only avilable on Spotify and this website. It will be recorded on my Smart Phone – I have…