
Catch Up Time

It has been a while since I have written a blog post here. I should write one and share some thoughts that I am having.

Lately, I have found I have been buried both with personal issues and business things to do. I have had to take some steps back and reorganize which is a good thing.

Things I need to do:

  • Start reading again. It has been a bit since I have read a book.
  • Keep taking care of my health. This matters.
  • Keep spending time with my partner. Tiz means the world to me.
  • Keep spending time with my family – they matter.
  • Re-prioritize the work that has to be done.
  • Publish a podcast this weekend. I did not get one out this past week.
  • Produce a couple of podcasts over the weekend so they are done and ready to go.
  • I have a landing page to build for some special offers – I would like to get this done today if I can.
  • Keep at my exercise program – I am going to add a walk in the morning as well as one at night.
  • Keep making sure I get lots of rest.

That is it for now, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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